Main Office
Contact Information
The Main Office is located at the NEW Colfax Avenue entrance of the school.
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
Colfax Charter Elementary School
4935 Colfax Avenue
Valley Village, California 91601
(818) 761-5115 ph | (818) 985-6017 fx
The Colfax Charter Main Office is a hub of parent, student and event information. Our goal is to provide you an accurate, friendly and timely service. You can support Colfax by following the procedures below and using the 'Colfax Connection' weekly email to obtain information. Thank you for your cooperation.
School Hours
"If you're here by 8, you won't be late!"
All Grades: 8:05am Line-Up; 2:33pm Dismissal
Tuesday Dismissal: 1:33pm
Minimum Day Dismissal: 12:50pm
Classroom Interruptions
Classroom interruptions are kept to a minimum. Please plan ahead in order to limit interruptions to the Main Office. Ask your child to check the Main Office for lunch or materials if that is your plan. Classrooms will not be called or interrupted for lunch and message deliveries.
All visitors coming on campus, including parents, must enter through the Main Office, sign the Visitor’s Log and obtain a Visitor’s badge. All visitors must state their business and obtain the permission of the Principal to be on campus. If you would like to conference with your student's teacher, please schedule an appointment before or after school.
Please see the ENROLLMENT section of this website for detailed enrollment information.
Edward Gorton |
Tomia Mitchell-Haas | Assistant Principal |
Dana Stephens | Coordinator |
Sylvia Rodriguez | School Admin. Asst. |
Linda Palacios | Office Tech |
Salena Diaz | Office Tech |
Important Forms
Eddie Gorton
Tomia Mitchell-Haas
Dana Stephens
Sylvia Rodriguez
Linda Palacios