Academics » Inclusion


Special Education & Inclusion at Colfax

Colfax Charter Elementary School is committed to meeting the needs of all students, including students with special needs and supporting their right to be educated in the least restrictive environment. In alignment with the LAUSD Division of Special Education Vision, Colfax seeks to inspire all students to reach their maximum potential as productive and responsible citizens.

Colfax Charter Elementary School provides the opportunity for current 4th and 5th grade students to learn together under an inclusive team-teaching approach where special education and general education teachers work collaboratively to provide differentiated support within the general education curriculum. In this setting, students who are typically developing, have special needs, and/or are gifted, learn together collaboratively with the inclusion teacher and the 4th and 5th grade general education teachers to provide a true inclusive learning environment for all.  


Ms. Mitchell-Haas - A.P.E.I.S.

Ms. Garcia - Resource Teacher

Ms. Tepper - Inclusion Team Facilitator/General Education Teacher

Ms. Shapiro - Inclusion Teacher


Special Education Instructional Support

Ms. Reffett - Paraprofessional

Mr. Arrendondo


Staff Directory
Jennifer Garcia Resource Teacher
Tomia Mitchell-Haas Assistant Principal
Ashley Shapiro Inclusion Teacher