School Governance Council
Colfax is an LAUSD Affiliated Charter School governed by the School Governance Council. The Colfax Charter LSLC meets monthly to advise and support the school's administration. This group is made up of (7) elected parents, (5) teachers and administrators who work collaboratively on charter initiatives including the enrichment programs, budget, and recommendations for English Learner Advisory Council, Single Plan for Student Achievement and school safety.
Meetings are typically held on campus on the first Thursday of the month at 2:45pm, or as otherwise posted. All meetings are open to the public! Attendance is welcomed and encouraged.
Members are elected in August for a two year term. The voting window will close after Back to School Night. Watch the Colfax Connection for the application deadline in the first few weeks of school if you are interested in serving on School Governance Council! Nomination Form
The following officers are elected annually by the current School Governance Council voting members: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Parliamentarian
We're all in this Together! Visitors to School Governance Council may not participate in discussion, but may add comments or questions during the Open Discussion portion of the meeting. Please feel free to email questions to the Chairperson or any of the committee chairs (contact information in the Directory on this page). School Governance Council Chairperson: Wendy Chester Budget: Eddie Gorton Enrichment Curriculum: Erin Alexander Charter: Eddie Gorton Safety: Dana Stephens
Faculty / Staff Members
Parents / Community Members
Eddie Gorton
Rachelle Bell*
Erin Alexander*
Alma Cortes*
Wendy Chester
Patricia Dinsky |
Jennifer Garcia*
Nicole Fefferman |
Michelle Hamburger*
Matt Ferrante |
Sylvia Rodriguez
Daphne McVay*
Dana Stephens | Dirk Voetberg* |
Gina Mason
Eli Gonda |
Lisa Land
Judy Goldzweig |
*Denotes 2nd year of a 2-year term.
*Please note that minutes are not posted until they are approved which happens at the following meeting.
Chairperson: Wendy Chester
Vice-Chairperson: Michelle Hamburger
Secretary: Sylvia Rodriguez
Parliamentarian: Matt Ferrante
Budget: Eddie Gorton, Dana Stephens, Erin Alexander, Gina Mason, Wendy Chester, Rachelle Bell, Sylvia Rodriguez
Enrichment Curriculum: Eddie Gorton, Dana Stephens, Matt Ferrante, Alma Cortes, Erin Alexander, Patricia Dinsky, Judy Goldzweig, Michelle Hamburger, Eli Gonda
Safety: Eddie Gorton, Dana Stephens, Matt Ferrante, Lisa Land, Daphne McVay
Charter: Eddie Gorton, Dana Stephens, Daphne McVay, Eli Gonda, Dirk Voetberg, Wendy Chester, Jennifer Garcia
GATE Parent Representative:
Committee Chair Contacts: (Chairs are Bolded)
Erin Alexander | Teacher |
Wendy Chester | Teacher |
Edward Gorton | Principal |
Dana Stephens | Coordinator |